Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Official name: Islami Jamhuriya Pakistan (Islamic Republic of Pakistan).
Form of government: Military-backed Democratic Republic
Constitutional regime with two
Legislative houses (Senate [100];
National Assembly [342]).
Chiefs of state and government:
President1 assisted by Prime Minister.
Capital: Islamabad.
Official language: Urdu.
Official religion: Islam.
Monetary unit: 1 Pakistan rupee
(PRs) = 100 paisa; valuation
(Sept. 1, 2005) 1 U.S. $ = PRs 59.72;
1 £ = PRs 109.95.

Population (2005)3: 153,960,000.
Density (2005)2, 3: persons per sq mi 500.9, persons per sq km 193.4.
Urban-rural (2002)3, 4: urban 38.0%; rural 62.0%.
Sex distribution (2004)3, 4: male 52.04%; female 47.96%.
Age breakdown (2003): under 15, 42.2%; 15–29, 27.9%; 30–44, 15.2%; 45–59,
9.3%; 60–74, 4.3%; 75 and over, 1.1%.
Population projection3: (2010) 169,153,000; (2020) 204,184,000.
Doubling time: 30 years.
Ethnic composition (2000): Punjabi 52.6%; Pashtun 13.2%; Sindhi 11.7%;
Urdu-speaking Muhajirs 7.5%; Balochi 4.3%; other 10.7%.
Religious affiliation (2000): Muslim 96.1%5; Christian 2.5%; Hindu 1.2%; others
(including Ahmadiyah) 0.2%.
Major cities (1998): Karachi 9,339,023; Lahore 5,143,495; Faisalabad 2,008,861;
Rawalpindi 1,409,768; Multan 1,197,384; Hyderabad 1,166,894; Gujranwala
1,132,509; Peshawar 982,816; Quetta 565,137; Islamabad 529,180.

Vital statistics
Birth rate per 1,000 population (2003): 32.0 (world avg. 21.1).
Death rate per 1,000 population (2003): 8.9 (world avg. 9.0).
Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (2003): 23.1 (world avg. 12.1).
Total fertility rate (avg. births per childbearing woman; 2003): 4.4.
Life expectancy at birth (2003): male 61.3 years; female 63.1 years.
Major cause of death (percentage of total deaths; 1987): malaria 18.2%; childhood diseases 12.1%; diseases of digestive system 9.8%; diseases of respiratory system 9.2%; infection of intestinal tract 7.7%.

National economy
Budget (2001–02). Revenue: PRs 632,799,000,000 (sales tax 26.9%, nontax
Receipts 26.0%, income taxes 22.4%, customs duties 8.0%, excise taxes 7.4%).
Expenditures: PRs 773,289,000,000 (public-debt service 41.4%, defense
19.6%, development 16.1%, general administration 6.6%).
Public debt (external, outstanding; 2004–05): U.S. $34,874,000,000.
Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture, forestry, fishing 2004):
sugarcane 53,419,000, wheat 19,767,000, rice 7,486,500, seed cotton 7,350,000, corn (maize) 2,775,000, potatoes 1,854,700, onions 1,657,900, chickpeas 548,000; livestock (number of live animals) 54,700,000 goats, 25,500,000 buffalo, 24,700,000 sheep, 23,800,000 cattle, 800,000 camels, 160,000,000 chickens; round wood 28,277,956 cu m; fish catch (2003) 564,743. Mining and quarrying (2003): limestone 12,000,000; rock salt 1,700,000; gypsum 397,000; silica sand 175,000; chromite 13,000. Manufacturing (2003–04): cement 12,957,000; urea 4,432,000; refined sugar 4,021,000; cotton yarn 1,935,000; vegetable ghee 957,000; jute textiles (2002–03) 93,800; cotton textiles 664,600,000 sq m; cigarettes 55,180,000,000 units; tires 1,900,000 units; bicycles 664,000 units. Energy production (consumption): electricity (kW-hr; 2003) 75,270,-000,000 (52,660,000,000); coal (metric tons; 2002) 3,180,000 (4,130,000); crude
petroleum (barrels; 2004) 22,000,000 (133,000,000); petroleum products (metric tons; 2002) 7,900,000 (18,000,000); natural gas (cu m; 2002) 22,996,000,000 (22,996,000,000).
Land use as % of total land area (2000): in temporary crops 27.6%, in permanent crops 0.9%, in pasture 6.5%; overall forest area 3.1%.
Population economically active (2001–02): total 42,388,000; activity rate of total population 29.6% (participation rates: ages 15–64, 51.6%; female 16.1%; unemployed [2004] 8.3%).
Gross national product (2004): U.S. $90,663,000,000 (U.S. $600 per capita).
Household income and expenditure (1998–99). Average household size (2003) 6.8; income per household PRs 81,444 (U.S. $441); sources of income: self-employment 40.9%, wages and salaries 32.3%, transfer payments 11.3%, other 15.5%; expenditure: food 49.1%, housing 20.9%, clothing 7.8%, education 3.6%, transportation and communications 3.3%, recreation 0.2%.
Tourism (2003): receipts U.S. $120,000,000; expenditures U.S. $924,000,000.

Foreign trade
Imports (2004–05): U.S. $20,598,000,000 (machinery and apparatus 22.5%; chemicals and chemical products 13.7%; crude petroleum 10.4%; refined petroleum 9.4%; food and oils 6.8%; road motor vehicles 5.2%). Major import sources (2004): China 10.7%; U.S. 9.8%; U.A.E. 9.4%; Saudi Arabia 9.2%; Japan 6.7%.
Exports (2004–05): U.S. $14,391,000,000 (textiles 58.8%, of which woven cotton fabric 12.9%, knitwear 11.3%, bedding 10.1%, ready-made garments 7.5%, cotton yarn 7.3%; rice 6.5%; leather products 3.7%; petroleum products 3.4%).
Major export destinations: U.S. 20.7%; U.A.E. 10.8%; U.K. 6.9%;
Germany 5.0%; Saudi Arabia 4.5%.

Transport and communications
Transport. Railroads (2002–03): route length 7,791 km; passenger-km
(2004–05) 17,879,920,000; metric ton-km cargo (2002–03) 5,604,720,000.
Roads (2004–05): total length 161,406 mi, 259,758 km (paved 63%). Vehicles (2003): passenger cars 1,377,165; trucks and buses 341,840. Air transport (2002–03): passenger-km 11,203,364; metric ton-km cargo 357,300,000; airports (1997) 35.

Education and health
Educational attainment (1990). Percentage of population age 25 and over having: no formal schooling 73.8%; some primary education 9.7%; secondary 14.0%; postsecondary 2.5%. Literacy (2004–05): total population age 15 and over literate 53.0%; males literate 65.0%; females literate 40.0%.
Health (2004): physicians 113,206 (1 per 1,347 persons); hospital beds 99,908 (1 per 1,527 persons); infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births (2003) 76.6.
Food (2002): daily per capita caloric intake 2,419 (vegetable products 82%,
animal products 18%); 105% of FAO recommended minimum.

Total active duty personnel (2004): 619,0009 (army 88.8%, navy 3.9%, air force 7.3%).
Military expenditure as percentage of GDP (2003): 4.4%; per capita
expenditure U.S. $24.
1Military leader (from October 1999) who was sworn in as president in June 2001.
2Excludes 32,494-sq-mi (84,159-sq-km) area of Pakistani-administered Jammu and Kashmir (comprising both Azad Kashmir [AK] and the Northern Areas [NA]).
3Excludes Afghan refugees (2005; 950,000) and the populations of AK (2005; 3,250,000) and NA (2005; 1,100,000). 4Excludes Federally Administered Tribal Areas.
5Mostly Sunni, with Shi (i comprising about 17% of total population. 6Taxes less subsidies.
7Unemployed. 8Import figures are f.o.b. in balance of trade and c.i.f. for commodities and trading partners. 9Excludes c. 290,000 in paramilitary (mostly national guard and frontier corps).

Internet resources for further information:
• Economic Survey, Ministry of Finance
• Statistics Division: Government of Pakistan

Area and population area2 population 2003
Provinces Capitals sq mi sq km estimate3
Balochistan Quetta 134,051 347,190 7,450,000
North-West Frontier Peshawar 28,773 74,521 20,170,000
Punjab Lahore 79,284 205,345 82,710,000
Sindh Karachi 54,407 140,914 34,240,000

Federally Administered
Tribal Areas ... 10,509 27,220 3,420,000
Federal Capital Area
Islamabad ... 350 906 1,040,000
TOTAL 307,374 796,096 149,030,000

Structure of gross domestic product and labour force
2003–04 2001–02
in value % of total labour % of labour
PRs ’000,000 value force force
Agriculture 1,174,586 21.5 16,366,000 38.6
Mining 84,539 1.6 26,000 0.1
Manufacturing 869,896 15.9 5,380,000 12.7
Construction 129,996 2.4 2,353,000 5.6
Public utilities 166,356 3.1 313,000 0.7
Transp. and commun. 656,957 12.0 2,295,000 5.4
Trade 897,097 16.4 5,776,000 13.6
Finance 142,533 2.6 346,000 0.8
PSeurbv.iacedsmin., defense 634215,,035065 116..70 6,027,000 14.2
Other 369,7426 6.86 3,506,0007 8.37
TOTAL 5,458,063 100.0 42,388,000 100.0

Price index (2000 = 100)
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Consumer price index 92.0 95.8 100.0 103.1 106.5 109.6 117.8

Balance of trade (current prices)
1999–2000 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04 2004–05
U.S.$’000,000 –1,412 –1,269 –360 –359 –1,279 –4,515
% of total 7.9% 6.6% 1.9% 1.6% 4.9% 13.5%

Education (2000–01) student/
schools teachers students teacher ratio
Primary (age 5–9) 165,700 373,900 20,999,000 56.2
Secondary (age 10–14) 31,600 320,100 6,576,000 20.5
Voc., teacher tr. 580 7,062 75,000 10.6
Higher 1,187 41,673 1,067,999 25.6

Communications units
per 1,000
Medium date unit number persons
Daily newspapers 2004 circulation 7,818,000 51
Radio 2000 receivers 14,700,000 121
Television 2003 receivers 22,447,500 150
Telephones 2004 main lines 4,880,000 32
Cellular telephones 2004 subscribers 5,020,000 33
Personal computers 2001 units 600,000 4.1
Internet 2004 users 2,000,000 13

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